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Because of Love (red book) with CD

Editor/Author: Lucy L and Raymond Tan
Instrument: Piano
Category: Repertoire
Publisher: Rhythm MP
Order No.: MPB-1024
Bar Code: 9 789679 856026
ISBN: 967-985-602-X
Total Pages: 28
Weight: 170g
Book Size: 225mm X 300mm
Binding: Stapling
Description: Because of Love (red book) is a compilation of 12 character pieces, which are recollections of Tchaikovsky’s “Album for the Young”. It captures children’s fascination with creation and nature, their ardent sense of curiosity and adventure and the swift changes in their emotions and mood. This book is a diary of their experiences in growing up. The pieces provide a refreshing supplement to the classical repertoire. The technical and rhythmical challenges, together with special features such as performance and accompaniment CD, make the teaching and learning process enjoyable.

  1. Little Bunnies by Ashling Ng & Lucy L
  2. Jumping Beans by Ashling Ng & Lucy L
  3. Day Dreaming by Raymond Tan
  4. Special Kind of Waltz by Lucy L
  5. In the Woods by Lucy L
  6. Ashley's Adventure by Raymond Tan
  7. Butterflies by Raymond Tan
  8. Treasure Hunt by Jeremy Ng
  9. Lost by Jeremy Ng
  10. A Sad Story by Lucy L
  11. Fun Time Rag by Lucy L
  12. Funny-faces by Raymond Tan
Games: Musical Form & Structure, Primary Chords