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Harmony Workbook
Editor/Author: Mark Ellis
Grade: 8 onwards
Category: Theory
Publisher: Rhythm MP
Order No.: MPH-3001
ISBN: 967-985-433-7
Total Pages: 32
Weight: 90g
Book Size: 225mm X 300mm
Binding: Stapping
Description: Harmony is too often treated as a purely written exercise, according to the observation of Dr. Mark Ellis. However, he states that the student's practical musicianship will benefit if the chords and progressions are learnt first at the keyboard and then written down.Dr. Ellis' aim here is to describe a harmony "system" which works easily and predictably. He starts from the basic principles and takes you through various topics on this subject, even to areas like harmonic analysis of Haydn's and Mozart's works, and harmonic aspects for different orchestral instrument families, Specific styles in keyboard and standard chorale progressions are also explored. Similarly, his chapter on trio sonatas where he uses the works of Corelli and Purcell to demonstrate the various harmonic techniques is especially useful, clear and precise.The accompanying workbook contains questions which will help facilitate the learning of particular progressions and the understanding of specific concepts. The Handbook and Workbook together has the sole purpose in helping students pass music exams, such as the graded music theory exams and even advanced level music exams.