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Piano Lesson Made Easy Level 3

Piano Lesson Made Easy Level 3
Click here Listen to Audio » 轻松弹钢琴 • “听”乐理
🎹 Everything in music is interconnected. You may play the Musical Moments series for more MAKING CONNECTIONS ideas and activities.
Editor/Author: Lina Ng
Instrument: Piano
Category: Method
Publisher: Rhythm MP
Order No.: MPP-4002-03
Bar Code: 9 556811 100688
ISBN-10: 967-985-440-X
ISBN-13: 978 967985440 4
Total Pages: 56
Weight: 240g
Book Size: 225mm X 300mm
Binding: Limp Bound (limp thread sewn)
Series: Made Easy
Description: The piano lesson series consist of captivating illustrations & popular tunes which will encourage & stimulate a child's musical interest & imagination.

Farmer In The Dell ♫ TiP (video)
This Old Man » Piano Quartet #1Piano8HandsTiP (video)
Musette - Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)
Are You Sleeping?TiP (video)
Skip to My Lou!
Down In The Valley ♫ TiP1, TiP2 (video)
Can Can Dance
Little Buttercup - Gilbert-Sullivan ♫ TiP1, TiP2 (video)
Mor Li Hua ♫ TiP1, TiP2, TiP3, TiP4 (video) » AoT (Transposition)
Cradle Song - Johannes Brahms (1833-1897)
Blue Bells Of Scotland ♫ TiP (video)
Identify The Pictures (1) 👂♫ 【看图猜歌】
Oh, Malaysia - land of glory, where I found my heart's true love.
Cielito Lindo - Quirino Mendoza y Cortés (1862-1957)
Expectation Waltz ♫ TiP (video)
Not So Hard
Russian Waltz
Chords Delight
Mulberry Bush ♫ TiP (video)
An Old Folk Tune ♫ TiP (video)
Bill Grogan's Goat
Swanee River - Stephen Collins Foster (1826-1864)
Czech Folk Song
A Thousand Legged Worm
Identify The Pictures (2) 👂♫ 【看图猜歌】
My Bonnie
The More We Get TogetherTiP1, TiP2 (video)
Home Sweet Home - Sir Henry Rowley Bishop (1787-1856) ♫ TiP (video)
Blue Danube - Johann Strauss Jr. (1825-1899)
Wine, Woman & Song - Johann Strauss Jr. (1825-1899)
Beautiful Dreamer - Stephen Collins Foster (1826-1864)
We Wish You A Merry Christmas
Amazing Grace
Danube Waves - Ion Ivanovici (1845-1902) ♫ TiP (video)
Here Comes The Bride - Richard Wagner (1813-1883)
Identify The Pictures (3) 👂♫ 【看图猜歌】

轻松弹钢琴 • “听”乐理
Playing Scales is Fun
Watch Down the Rabbit Hole from The ART of Teaching (AoT)Video

We all know the benefits of playing scales.
Why practise scales?
Playing scales inevitably helps to develop pianist skills thus improving keyboard fluency. Posture, hand position, co-ordination, balance between hands and movement of the arm all can be checked when playing scales. Most importantly, the sense of tonality and pattern can be acquired through playing scales - this speeds up the learning of NEW PIECES (a benefit when attempting sight-reading tests). This also develops playing with an even and a quality tone. This builds aural awareness. It is a good practice to encourage students to sing the scales if within vocal range. Playing scales from two to four octaves throughout all grade syllabus increases familiarity with the geography of the piano.
Why teach Scales and Arpeggios?

Taken from YMSD Improvisation Workshop 6

To all our Rhythm MP friends, please journey with us on and you should feel free to respond and do the activities, too. It’s the practical application of music theory that brings music to life. We encourage and welcome videos of your musical explorations based on our postings. Keep Exploring Music – telling your musical story!

Learn to play a song in more than one way!
Some of the ways include interval, two-note chords, triad, off beats, swing, arpeggio, alberti bass, scale, waltz, echo, chromatic, canon, descending bass line, counterpoint, embellishments, etc.
  • Perform the variations on a song
  • Listen to the variations
  • Analyse musical ideas
  • Your assignment is to re-arrange the piece or to apply to your favourite song
For variations on a song try Piano Theory in Practice Made Easy.

♫ Really putting theory into practice
It’s the practical application of music theory that brings music to life. Get to the piano and play Piano Theory in Practice Made EasyKeep Exploring Music! ‘Hear’ the
  1. Rhythm
  2. Pitch
  3. Keys and Scales ♫ TiP (video)
  4. Intervals ♫ TiP
  5. Chords ♫ TiP (video)
  6. Terms, Signs and Instruments ♫ TiP (video)
  7. Music in Context ♫ FAQs
Music is connected in all elements. We cannot isolate a piece to teach without involving any aural awareness, and neither can we teach theory without ‘HEARING’ the theory, (e.g. we have to ‘HEAR’ the pitch of a sharpened note when we teach the accidental - sharp ‘#’). This cohesive organisation of thoughts and actions will make your lessons invaluable and interesting to your students. With it intertwined together, the lessons become ‘alive’ and musically enriching. — The ART of Teaching by Alice Chua

Composing ideas/tips: Composing Made Easy
Games: Primary Chords, Musical Form & Structure
Events: Music Jamboree, Young Composers Program

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For variations on a song try Piano Theory in Practice Made Easy. Piano Quartet (1 Piano, 8 Hands) » #1Piano8Hands
The ART of Teaching (AoT) is written specially for teachers who are teaching beginners. It is written in simple instruction and AoT is very much suited to be used alongside all piano tutor books and graded syllabus as teaching music elements are applicable to all piano tutor books. — Pieces, Scales, Sight-Reading, Aural, Theory, Creativity, Composition, Improvisation and Technique Building.

Let’s move on together for a more ‘MUSICAL’ music education for the new generation. They deserve a better music education than ours!
Set goals that are attainable, then slowly raise the bar. It is better to play something easier and master it, understand the character and technicalities of the piece, before moving on to more difficult pieces. Do not straightaway choose pieces that are too difficult, to avoid frustration and discouragement. - Helen Yeo, Musical Moments

🎹 Everything in music is interconnected. You may play the Musical Moments series for more MAKING CONNECTIONS ideas and activities.
The PROUD little note » A little note's journey to musical awareness
Creative Musical Moments with THEORY PRE-GRADE 1
Classic Musical Moments 1 with THEORY GRADE 1
Classic Musical Moments 2 with THEORY GRADE 2
Classic Musical Moments 3 with THEORY GRADE 3
Classic Musical Moments 4 with THEORY GRADE 4
Classic Musical Moments 5 with THEORY GRADE 5
Baba Nyonya Musical Moments » theory/practical connection
Advanced Baba Nyonya Musical Moments » practical/aural connection

“Do not straightaway Google song sheets for your favourite songs. Try to DIY. Reach out with your musical sense and play out the melody. Use chord progression to add accompaniment to the melody. Decorate the tune with catchy ornaments. The song will be more meaningful with your own personal touch.” — Helen Yeo, Musical Moments

🎹 Enjoy this Creative Musical journey! — The ART of Teaching (AoT)

Listen to Inspirations (Winners' Musical Moments for Pianists)
A spin-off from Classic Musical Moments Grade 5 • MPB-1027-05
Get Ready for the next submission and best compositions will be chosen for publication!

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