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Keyboard Favourites Elementary Volume 3

Grade: 1-3
Instrument: Piano
Category: Repertoire
Arrangement: Piano arrangement with chord
Publisher: Rhythm MP
Order No.: MPK-1004-03
Bar Code: 9 556811 100435
ISBN: 967-985-532-5
Total Pages: 48
Weight: 210g
Book Size: 225mm X 300mm
Binding: Limp Bound (limp thread sewn)
Description: A series of repertoire books for the piano student which comes with a CD that contains the accompaniment to play along. All the songs are popular, well-known tunes that make your playing time become more exciting. For instance, the theme from the KFC's ad, is collected in Elementary Volume 1. Imagine playing the piano with the enjoyment of music backing. Don't you find that very interesting? Help you to be a well-rounded musician. It enhances your musicality, timing, rhythm, harmonization, and listening skills.With additional Chord Progression and bars of introduction before playing, serves a good guideline to have fun with the pieces.Now, you are not only entertaining yourself, but also your family and friends or even create a small ensemble with friends who play different musical instrument. This provides the opportunity for you to spend quality time with them, at the same time enjoy a good quality of music education.

Men Of Harlech
Au Clair De La Lune
The Ash Grove
The Vicar Of Bray
The Quilting Party
Puppet On A String - Bill Martin / Phil Coulter
Comin' Thru' The Rye
Oh, My Darling Clementine - P. Montrose
Song Of The Volga Boatmen
The Old Grey Mare
Drink To Me Only With Thine Eyes
Charlie Is My Darling
The British Grenadiers
Old Black Joe - Stephen C. Foster (1826-1864)
Old Folks At Home - Stephen C. Foster (1826-1864)
Annie Laurie - Lady John Scott (1810-1900)
Tie Me Kangaroo Down, Sport - Rolf Harris
Minuet In G - Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827)
Aloha Oe - Queen Lydia Liliuokalani