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Guidelines On History Of Music Grade 6-8

Editor/Author: H. S. Yong
Grade: 6-8
Category: Theory
Publisher: Rhythm MP
Order No.: MPG-4005
Bar Code: 9 556811 102316
ISBN-10: 967-985-426-4
ISBN-13: 978 967985426 8
Total Pages: 48
Weight: 210g
Book Size: 225mm X 300mm
Binding: Limp Bound
Description: This is more of an 'across the board' book. It takes a look at how European music has developed since the 1600s and it covers all the periods and movements in music required by most examining syllabuses. It complements the other two books in two in the series. The list of composers in cronological order at the back of the book will prove to be an invaluable guide.